Elena Tsvetkova's Piano Studio Policy

The studio policy is a business contract between the teacher and the parent. Please note that this policy is in accord with recommended professional policies of the Music Teachers National Association.

Tuition fees include actual lesson time as well as planning, participating in professional meetings and seminars, scheduling, phone calls, mandatory monitoring for the students competitions and organizing other studio related responsibilities. They also consider expenses of equipping and maintaining the studio.


The piano has always served as a foundational instrument for any musician. We are taught at a young age that the skills required to play the piano are ones that will serve us for the rest of our lives. Just as the piano is a versatile instrument, so too is the musician. It is my goal that each of my students will become a skilled musician, receiving a balanced music education that will prepare them for whatever their future in music may be. Even if piano is not your ultimate or only musical goal, the basic skills and techniques learned from piano lessons will prove useful in many areas of life - musical and otherwise.

Practice Requirement

Regular practice is essential for proper musical learning. Without regular practice at home, the students will end up practicing during their lessons, rather than refining their skills and learning new skills. Practice skills are taught in the lessons, and students should utilize these skills at home. Younger students need parental help in finding time to practice and knowing how to practice. As students mature, they should be able to take the responsibility of practicing daily and correctly.

Lesson Procedures

Parents are always encouraged to attend lessons. Students must arrive on time, not earlier, not later, but at exact time of the lesson. Parents will assume full responsibility for students' safety at all times. If someone other than the parent will be picking up the student, please let me know in advance. Students are welcome and encouraged to observe other lessons without disruption.


The fee covers four lessons per month. When there are five weeks in the month, the fifth lesson is given but not charged (see "Lesson Calendar" section below). The tuition is $270 a month for 45 min.-lesson, $360 a month for one-hour, and $540 a month for one-hour-and-a-half lesson. Additional fees include: Printing and copying fee $20 per semester and recital hall fee if applicable. The tuition fee and additional fees are a subject to change.

Tuition for each month is due on or before the first lesson. Payments can be made:

  • on a month by month basis
  • by semester (i.e. September through December and January to May)
  • through bank transfer
  • with automatic payments through your bank

You can set the same amount every month for a set number of months. This will save you considerable time because you can set the recurring payment up at the beginning of the year and never have to think of it again! No more forgetting your checkbook or extra trips to drop off payment. Plus, you'll never have to pay a late fee because you can tell your bank exactly when to deliver the check! If you choose to pay tuition fee by bill pay, payments should be scheduled to arrive by the last day of the prior month.

If you do not choose to set up recurring payments online, payment can also be made by check or cash. If check, cash or bank payments are late, there is a $25 late fee. If for some reason there is no lesson the first week of the month, tuition must be received no later than 8th day of that month. If tuition is paid after the 8th, an additional fee of $25 is added. When an account becomes more than 30 days past due, it will be considered in default and lessons will have to discontinue. Extra expenses like one time per semester copying/printing fees, recital hall fee or competitions/festivals/theory tests fees should be added separately.

Lesson Calendar

Students are expected to come to the lessons year around, with the following weeks off:

  • One week of Thanksgiving break
  • Two weeks of Christmas break
  • One week of Spring break
  • Three weeks of teacher vacation time

There is one federal holiday observed in my studio: no classes on Labor Day.

Students will be charged for those above dates. However, they will not be charged for any 5th week lessons that will fall within a particular month.

Summer Policy

Summer months in Elena Tsvetkova’s Piano Studio begin on June 1st (or on Monday closest to the date) and end on August 31st (or on Sunday closest to the date). If a student chooses not to take lessons in the summer, there is no guarantee of a spot in the fall schedule. To reserve a spot in the fall, students must attend a minimum of 8 lessons during summer, and may choose weeks that best suit their summer schedule. You should inform the teacher about your summer break as soon as you have the dates planned. Teacher might use her three vacation weeks at a different time, which will be planned and announced in advance.

There is no fixed schedule during the summer months because of our vacations. During the summer, tuition is charged for each individual lesson, and can be paid weekly, monthly or for the whole summer period at once.

Withdrawal Policy

If a student wishes to discontinue his/her lessons, a 30-day written notice will be required. The student will be financially responsible for the lessons that occur within the 30 days from the date notice is given, whether or not the student chooses to attend the lesson.

Make-Up Policy

One makeup lesson per semester will be awarded to each student ONLY IF THE NOTICE IS GIVEN 24 HOURS PRIOR THE LESSON. Cancelled make-up lessons will not be rescheduled regardless of the reason. Students who arrive late for a lesson will not have their time slot extended past the scheduled ending period. If lessons are cancelled because of extreme weather conditions, there will be a group make-up lesson offered which includes performance, music theory, music history, ear training and solfege. There will be one group make-up lesson offered each semester, on Saturday or Sunday, and will be announced in advance. If the teacher has to cancel the lesson, make-up will be arranged at no extra charge.

PLEASE, DO NOT BRING SICK CHILDREN TO LESSONS. I will not teach a lesson, if a child is sneezing, coughing or has a fever. The purpose for this rule is to stop the transmission of the many contagious illnesses that occur throughout the year. If the student is not feeling well or cannot get to the lesson due transportation or weather issues I offer a video lesson at his scheduled lesson time via FaceTime or Skype.

Cancellation Policy

The teacher reserves the right to cancel a student's lessons, if the student does not properly comply with these stated policies. Should you have any questions on this agreement, please contact me.